An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 8 : From S. _aff off_, and _lufe_, the palm of the hand.
AFFPUT, _s._ Delay, or pretence for
From S. _aff off_, and _lufe_, the palm of the hand.
AFFPUT, _s._ Delay, or pretence for delaying. S.
AFFPUTTING, _adj._ Delaying, trifling, dilatory, _putting off_, S.
AFFRAY, _s._ Fear, terror; Chaucer, id.
Fr. _affre_, _effroi_, terreur.
AFFROITLIE, _adv._ Affrightedly.
Fr. _effroy-er_, to frighten.
AFFSET, _s._
1. Dismission, the act of putting away, S.
2. An excuse, a pretence, S.
Moes. G. _afsat-jan_, amovere.
AFFSIDE, _s._ The farther side of any object, S. Su. G. _afsides_, seorsum.
AFLOCHT, AFLOUGHT, _part. pa._ Agitated, in a flutter, S.
V. ~Flocht~.
AFORGAYN, _prep._ Opposite to; the same with ~Foregainst~, q. v.
A. S. _onforan_, ante, coram, and _gean_, contra; _on_ being changed into _a_ in S. and E., as _onweg_ into _away_. _Foran ongean_, ex adverso.
AFORNENS, _prep._ Opposite to.
V. ~Fore-anent~.
AFTEN, _adv._ Often, S.
A. S. _aeft_, iterum.
AFTER ANE, _adv._ Alike, in the same manner, in one form, S. i. e.
_after one_.
AFTER-CLAP, _s._ Evil consequence, S.
_Gl. Sibb._
AFTERHEND, _adv._ Afterwards.
V. ~Eftirhend.~
AFTERINGS, AFT'RINS, _s. pl._ The last milk taken from a cow, S.
Lancash. Derbysh. id.
A. S. _aefter_ post.
AGAYNE, AGANE, _prep._ Against, S.
A. S. _gean_, _agen_, _ongean_, Su. G. _gen_, _igen_, Isl. _gegn_, _gen_, contra.
AGAIT, _adv._ On the way or road.
V. ~Gait~.