An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 129 : _broddstafur_, scipio, _hastulus_, hastile.
2. _Be staff and burdon_; a phrase respect
_broddstafur_, scipio, _hastulus_, hastile.
2. _Be staff and burdon_; a phrase respecting either invest.i.ture or resignation.
BURDOUN, _s._ "The drone of a bag-pipe, in which sense it is commonly used in S."
Fr. _bourdon_, id.
BURDOWYS, _s._ Men who fought with clubs.
_Burdare_, (Matt. Paris), is to fight with clubs, after the manner of clowns, qui, he says, Anglis _Burdons_.
BUREDELY, _adv._ Forcibly, vigorously.
V. ~Burdly~.
_Sir Gawan and Sir Gal._
BUREIL, BURAL, _adj._ Vulgar, rustic.
Chaucer _borel_, id.; L. B. _burell-us_, a species of coa.r.s.e cloth; Teut. _buer_, a peasant.
BURG _of ice_, a whale-fisher's phrase for a field of ice floating in the sea, S., most probably from its resemblance of a _castle_.
BURGENS, _s. pl._ Burgesses.
Lat. _burgens-es_.
BURGEOUN, _s._ A bud, a shoot.
Fr. _burgeon_, id.; Su. G. _boerja_, oriri; Isl. _bar_, gemma arborum.
BURIAN, _s._ A mound, a tumulus; or a kind of fortification, S. Aust.
_Statist. Acc._
From A. S. _beorg_, _burg_, mons, acervus; or _byrigenn_, _byrgene_, sepulcrum, monumentum, tumulus.
Fr. _bourreau_, id.
BURLAW, BYRLAW, BIRLEY, BARLEY. _Byrlaw Court_, a court of neighbours, residing in the country, which determines as to local concerns.
_Skene. Reg. Maj._
From Belg. _baur_ (boer) a husbandman, and _Law_; or as Germ.
_bauer_, A. S. _bur_, Isl. _byr_, signify a village, as well as a husbandman, the term may signify the _Law_ of the _village_ or district.
~Burlie-Bailie~, _s._ An officer employed to enforce the laws of the _Burlaw-courts_.
BURLED, BURLIT, _part. pa._
_Acts Ja. II._
Does this signify _burnt_, from Fr. _brul-er_?
BURLY, _s._ A crowd, a tumult, S. B.
Teut. _borl-en_, to vociferate. Hence E. _hurly-burly_.
BURLY, BUIRLIE, _adj._ Stately, strong; as applied to buildings.
Teut. _boer_, Germ. _bauer_, a boor, with the termination _lic_, denoting resemblance.
BURLINS, _s. pl._ The bread _burnt_ in the oven in baking, S. q.