An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 138 : _Morison._ Isl. _kals-a_, irridere, _kalzug-ur_, derisor. CALMES, CAUMS, _s. pl._ 1. A


Isl. _kals-a_, irridere, _kalzug-ur_, derisor.

CALMES, CAUMS, _s. pl._

1. A mould, a frame, S.

_Acts Ja. VI._

2. The small cords through which the warp is pa.s.sed in the loom, S., synon. _heddles_.

3. _In the caulms_, in the state of being framed or modelled, metaph.


Germ. _quem-en_, quadrare; Su.G. _bequaem_, Belg. _bequaam_, fit, meet.

CALSUTER'D, _adj._ Apparently for calfuter'd, caulked.

_Chron. S. Poet._

Fr. _calfeutrer_, Dan. _kalfatre_, to caulk.

CALVER, _s._ A cow with calf, S.

Teut. _kalver-koe_, id.

CAMBIE-LEAF, _s._ The water-lily, Nymphaea alba et lutea, Linn. S. B.

CAMDUI, s. A species of trout.


Gael. _cam_, crooked, and _dubh_, black.

CAMY, CAMOK, _adj._

1. Crooked.

_Maitland Poems._

2. Metaph. used to denote what is rugged and unequal.


Ir. Gael. _cam_, C. B. _kam_, L. B. _cam-us_.

CAMLA-LIKE, _adj._ Sullen, surly; Aberd.

_Journ. Lond._

Isl. _kamleit-r_, id., tetricus.


_Acts Ja. VI._

Named from _Cambray_, in Lat. _Camerac-um_, in Teut. _Camerijk_.


1. A crooked stick, S.

2. The game also called _s.h.i.+nty_, Perths.

Celt. _cambaca_, id. Bullet. Gael. _caman_, a hurling-club.

CAM-NOSED, CAMOW-NOSED, _adj._ Hook-nosed.

V. ~Camy~.


CAMOVYNE, CAMOWYNE, _s._ Camomile, S.


_To_ CAMP, _v. n._

1. To contend.

V. ~Kemp~.

_Melvill's MS._

2. To romp, Loth.

Chapter 138 : _Morison._ Isl. _kals-a_, irridere, _kalzug-ur_, derisor. CALMES, CAUMS, _s. pl._ 1. A
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