An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 141 : CANNIE, KANNIE, _adj._ 1. Cautious, prudent, S. _Baillie._ 2. Artful, crafty, S. _Ruth


1. Cautious, prudent, S.


2. Artful, crafty, S.


3. Attentive, wary, watchful, S.


4. Frugal, not given to expence, S.


5. Moderate in charges, S.

6. Useful, beneficial, S.


7. Handy, expert at any business; often used in relation to midwifery, S.


8. Gentle, so as not to hurt a sore, S.

9. Soft, easy, as applied to a state of rest, S.


10. Slow in motion. "To gang _canny_," to move slowly; "to caw _canny_,"

to drive softly; also, to manage with frugality, S.


11. Soft and easy in motion, S.

12. Safe, not dangerous. "A _canny_ horse," one that may be rode with safety, S.


_No canny_, not safe, dangerous, S.

_Popul. Ball._

13. Composed, deliberate; as opposed to _flochtry_, _throwther_, S.

14. Not hard, not difficult of execution, S.


15. Easy in situation, snug, comfortable; as "He sits very _canny_." "He has a braw _canny_ seat," S.


16. Fortunate, lucky, S.


17. Fortunate, used in a superst.i.tious sense, S.

_R. Galloway._

_No canny_, not fortunate, applied both to things and to persons.


18. Endowed with knowledge, supposed by the vulgar to proceed from a preternatural origin; possessing magical skill, South of S.

_Tales Landl._

19. Good, worthy, "A braw _canny_ man," a pleasant, good-conditioned, or worthy man, S.

_Statist. Acc._

20. Applied to any instrument, it signifies well-fitted, convenient, S.


_Survey Nairn._

Isl. _kiaen_, sciens, prudens; callidus, astutus; _kaeni_, fortis et prudens; from _kenn-a_, noscere.

~Cannie Wife~, a midwife, South of S.


~Cannily~, adv.

1. Cautiously, prudently, S.


2. Moderately, not violently, S.

Chapter 141 : CANNIE, KANNIE, _adj._ 1. Cautious, prudent, S. _Baillie._ 2. Artful, crafty, S. _Ruth
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