An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 165 : Belg. _klapperman_, a watchman with a clapper. CLAPPERS, _s. pl._ Holes intentionally

Belg. _klapperman_, a watchman with a clapper.

CLAPPERS, _s. pl._ Holes intentionally made for rabbits to burrow in, either in an open warren, or within an inclosure.

Fr. _clapier_, id. Su. G. _klapper_, lapides minuti et rotundi.


_Watson's Coll._

CLARE, _adv._ Wholly, entirely, S.


CLAREMETHEN. According to the law of _claremethen_, any person who claims stolen cattle or goods is required to appear at certain places particularly appointed for this purpose, and prove his right to them, S.


From _clare_, clear, and _meith_, a mark.

CLARGIE, CLERGY, _s._ Erudition.

_Priests Peblis._

Fr. _clergie_, id. from Lat. _clericus_.

_To_ CLARK, _v. a._ To act as amanuensis, S.

_To_ CLART, _v. a._ To dirty, to foul, S. _Clort_, Perths.

~Clarts~, _s. pl._ Dirt, mire, any thing that defiles, S.


~Clarty~, _adj._ Dirty, nasty, S. _Clorty_, Perths.

_Maitland Poems._

_Clart._ To spread or smear. _Clarty_; smear'd; A. Bor.

_To_ CLASH, _v. n._

1. To talk idly, S.


2. To t.i.ttle-tattle, to tell tales, S.

Germ. _klatschen_, id.; _klatcherey_, idle talk.

~Clash~, _s._

1. t.i.ttle-tattle, prattle, S.

_Satan's Invis. World._

2. Vulgar fame, the story of the day, S.


_To_ CLASH, _v. a._ To pelt, to throw dirt, S.


Teut. _klets-en_, resono ictu verberare; Dan. _klatsk-er_, to flap.

~Clash~, _s._ A blow, a stroke, S.

Germ. _klatch_, id.

CLASH, _s._ A heap of any heterogeneous substances, S.

Isl. _klase_, rudis nexura, quasi congelatio.

CLASH, _s._ A cavity of considerable extent in the acclivity of a hill, S.

CLASPS, _s. pl._ An inflammation of the termination of the sublingual gland, a disease of horses, Border.


CLAT, _s._ Used as synon. with _clod_.

_Z. Boyd._

Teut. _klotte_, _kluyte_, id. gleba,

Chapter 165 : Belg. _klapperman_, a watchman with a clapper. CLAPPERS, _s. pl._ Holes intentionally
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