An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 170 : _To_ CLEW, _v. n._ To cleave, to fasten.
Teut. _klev-en_, id.
CLEWIS, _s. p
_To_ CLEW, _v. n._ To cleave, to fasten.
Teut. _klev-en_, id.
CLEWIS, _s. pl._ Claws, talons.
V. ~Cleuck~.
CLIBBER, CLUBBER, _s._ A wooden saddle, a packsaddle, Caithn. Orkn.
_Statist. Acc._
Isl. _klifberi_, c.l.i.tellae, from _klif_, fascis, sarcina, and _beri_ portator.
CLICK-CLACK, _s._ Uninterrupted loquacity, S.
From E. _click_ and _clack_, both expressive of a sharp successive noise; or Teut. _klick-en_, crepitare, _klack-en_, verberare resono ictu.
CLIFT, _s._ A spot of ground, S.
A. S. _cliof-an_, to cleave, because parted from the rest.
_To_ CLINCH, CLYNSCH, _v. n._ To limp, S.
Su. G. _link-a_, claudicare.
~Clinch~, _s._ A halt, S.
CLINK, _s._ A smart stroke or blow, S.
Teut. _klincke_, id.; alapa, colaphus.
CLINK, _s._ Money; a cant term, S.
From the sound; Teut. _klinck-en_, tinnire.
_To_ CLINK, _v. a._ A term denoting alertness in manual operation, S.
_To_ ~Clink on~, _v. a._ To clap on.
_To_ ~Clink up~, _v. a._ To seize any object quickly and forcibly, S.
If not radically the same with the v. _cleik_, with _n_ inserted; allied perhaps to Dan. _lencke_ a chain, a link, q. _gelencke_.
CLINT, _s._ A hard or flinty rock. Gl. Sibb. "_Clints_. Crevices amongst bare lime-stone rocks, North." Gl. Grose.
~Clinty~, ~Clynty~, _adj._ Stony, Loth.
Su. G. _klint_, scopulus.
CLIP, _s._
1. probably borrowed from a sheep newly shorn or _clipped_.
2. A colt of a year old.
_To_ CLIP, CLYP, _v. a._
1. To embrace.
_King's Quair._
2. To lay hold of in a forcible manner.
3. To grapple in a sea-fight.