An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 177 : 1. Expence, cost.
2. The provision made for watching the borders.
_Acts Ja.
1. Expence, cost.
2. The provision made for watching the borders.
_Acts Ja. II._
Belg. Su. G. _kost_, cost, charge.
~Coist~, _s._
1. Duty payable in kind, Orkn.
2. The sustenance given to a servant, as distinct from money, ibid.
Su. G. Dan. _kost_, food.
_To_ COIT, _v. n._ To b.u.t.t, to justle.
Fr. _cott-er_, to b.u.t.t, Isl. _kuettr_, torvus, _kueita_, violenter jactare.
c.o.k. _To cry c.o.k_, to acknowledge that one is vanquished.
O. Celt, _coc_, mediant, vile.
c.o.kEWALD, _s._ A cuckold, Chauc.
Isl. _qvonkall_, curruca, seu cornutus, from _kvon_, uxor, and _kvola_, maculare, G. Andr.
COLEHOODING, _s._ The Black-cap, a bird, S. _Coalhood_.
COLEMIE, COALMIE, _s._ The Coalfish, Asellus niger, Ang.
Germ. _kohlmuhlen_, id.
_To_ COLF, _v. a._ To calk a s.h.i.+p.
Fr. _calfat-er_, Teut. _kallefaet-en_, id.
~Colfin~, ~Calfing~, _s._ The wadding of a gun, S.
COLIBRAND, _s._ A contemptuous designation for a blacksmith, Border.
_Watson's Coll._
Su. G. _kol_, carbo, and _brenna_, urere, q. the _coal-burner_.
COLK, _s._ The Eider duck, a sea-fowl, S. the _Duntur Goose_ of Sibbald.
COLL, _s._ A c.o.c.k of hay, S. B. _Keil_. A. Bor.
Fr. _cueill-er_, to gather, E. _to coil_.
_To_ COLL, _v. a._
1. To cut, to clip. _To coll the hair_, to poll it, S.
2. To cut any thing obliquely, S.
V. ~Cow~.
Su. G. _kull-a_, verticis capillos abradere.
COLLATYOWN, _s._ Conference, discourse.
Lat. _collatio_.
COLLEGENAR, _s._ A student at college, S.