An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 189 : ~Cout-evil~, _s._ A disease incident to young horses, Border.; E.
~Cout-evil~, _s._ A disease incident to young horses, Border.; E.
COUTCHACK, _s._ The clearest part of a fire, S. B.
_Journal Lond._
COUTCHIT, _part. pa._ Inlaid, stuffed.
Fr. _couch-er_, to lay.
COUTH, _aux. v._ Could.
A. S. _cuthe_, novi, from _cunn-an_, noscere.
COUTH, _part. pa._ Known.
COUTH, _s._ Enunciated sound; a word.
_Popular Ball._
Isl. _qwaede_, syllaba, _qwed-a_, effari.
1. Affable, facetious, familiar, S.
2. Loving, affectionate, S.
3. Comfortable.
_Popular Ball._
4. Pleasant to the ear, S. B.
5. Ominous of evil; _no coudy_, Ang.
A. S. _cuth_, familiaris; Teut. _koddig_, facetus.
~Couthily~, _adv._ Kindly, familiarly, S.
~Couthiness~, ~Coudiness~, _s._ Facetiousness, kindness, S.
COUTTERTHIRL, _s._ The vacuity between the _coulter_ and the ploughshare, S.
V. ~Thirl~.
_To_ COW, _v. a._
1. To poll the head, S.
2. To clip short, in general.
3. To cut, to prune, to lop off.
V. ~Coll~, _v._
_To cow out_, to cut out.
4. To eat up as food, S.
_Popul. Ball._
5. To be _cowit_, to be bald.
6. It occurs as signifying shaven; applied to the Roman tonsure.
Isl. _koll-r_, tonsum caput.