An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 202 : Teut. _krull-en_, intorquere, sinuare.
~Crulge~, _s._ A confused coalition, or conjunc
Teut. _krull-en_, intorquere, sinuare.
~Crulge~, _s._ A confused coalition, or conjunction, S.
Isl. _krull_, confusio.
CRUMMIE, CRUMMOCK, _s._ A name for a cow that has crooked horns, S.
Isl. _krumme_, Gael. _crom_, crooked.
~Crummock~, ~Crummie-stick~, _s._ A staff with a crooked head, S.
CRUMMOCK, _s._ Skirret, a plant, S.
Gael. _crumag_, id.
_To_ CRUMP, _v. a._ To make a cras.h.i.+ng noise in eating what is hard and brittle, S.
~Crump~, ~Crumpie~, _adj._ Crisp, brittle, S.
V. ~Croyn~.
_To_ CRUNKLE, _v. a._
1. To cress, to rumple, S.
2. To shrivel, to contract, S.
Teut. _kronckel-en_, to wrinkle.
~Crunkle~, _s._ A cress, a wrinkle, S.
CRUNT, _s._ A blow on the head with a cudgel, S.
CRUVE, CRUIVE, _s._ A box resembling a hen-crib, placed in a dam or dike that runs across a river, for confining the fish that enter into it, S.
Su. G. _krubba_, praesepe.
_Acts Ja. I._
CRUTLACHIN, _part. pr._ Conversing in a silly tattling way, S. B.
CUCHIL, CUTHIL, _s._ A forest or grove.
C. B. _coedawl_, belonging to a forest.
V. ~c.o.c.k-stule~.
CUD, _s._ A strong staff, S.
Teut. _kodde_, a club.
_To_ ~Cud~, _v. a._ To cudgel, S.
~Cuddy-rung~, _s._ A cudgel.
CUDBEAR, _s._ The Lichen omphalodes, dark purple dyer's lichen, S.
_Statist. Acc._
CUDDIE, _s._ An a.s.s, often _cuddie-a.s.s_, S.
CUDDIE, CUTH, _s._ The cole-fish.
_Statist. Acc._