An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 213 : _Wyntown._
DAYS _of_ LAW, LAWDAYIS, The time, when those are summoned to attend, who h
DAYS _of_ LAW, LAWDAYIS, The time, when those are summoned to attend, who have interest in a court of justice.
Isl. _lagdag_, dies lege praefinitus.
DAIT, _s._ Destiny.
DAYWERK, DAWERK, DARK, _s._ A day's work, S. _darg_.
V. ~Darg~.
A. S. _daegweorc_, id.
DALK, _s._ Varieties of _slate clay_, sometimes _common clay_, S.
_Statist. Acc._
DALLY, _s._ The stick used in binding sheaves, Border.
DALLY, _s._
1. A girl's puppet, S. B. E. _doll_.
2. A painted figure.
DALLIS, 3 _p. s. v._ Dawns.
_G.o.dly Ball._
DALMATYK, _s._ A white dress worn by Kings and Bishops.
Thus denominated, as being brought from _Dalmatia_.
_To_ DAM, _v. n._ To urine.
_Maitland P._
V. ~Dams~.
DAMMAGEUS, _adj._ Injurious.
_To_ DAMMISH, _v. a._ To stun, to stupify, S.
Germ. _damisch machen_, to stun one's head.
DAMMYS, DAMMEIS, _s._ Damage.
Fr. _dommage_.
_Gl. Sibb._
_To_ DAMPNE, _v. a._ To condemn.
DAMS, _s. pl._ The game of draughts, S.
Sw. _dam_, _dampsel_, id.; _dambraede_, S. a _dambrod_.
DAN, _s._ A term equivalent to _Lord_, _Sir_.
O. Fr.
_To_ DANCE _his_ or _her lane_; a phrase expressive, either of great joy, or of violent rage, S.
_James V._