An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 216 : Lat. _de_ and _scando_, whence E. _scan_.
_To_ DASE, DAISE, _v. a._
1. To stupify, S.
Lat. _de_ and _scando_, whence E. _scan_.
_To_ DASE, DAISE, _v. a._
1. To stupify, S.
2. To benumb.
Su. G. _das-a_, languere, _dase_, stupidus.
DASE. _On dase_, alive, q. _on days_.
_Gawan and Gol._
_To_ DASH, _v. a._
1. To flourish in writing, S.
2. To make a great shew, S.
~Dash~, _s._
1. A flourish in writing, S.
2. A splendid appearance, S.
DAS KANE, _s._ Singing in parts.
Lat. _discant-us_.
Da.s.s, _s._
1. _Da.s.s_ of a hay stack, that part of it that is cut off with a hay-knife, Loth.
2. _A da.s.s of corn_, that which is left in the barn after part is removed, Fife.
C. B. _das_, a heap of grain, Teut. _tas_, id.
Da.s.s, _s._ A stratum of stones, S.
_Statist. Acc._
_To_ DATCH, _v. a._ To jog, to skake, S. B. perhaps originally the same with E. _dodge_.
DATIVE, _s._ A power legally granted to one to act as executor of a latter will, when it is not confirmed by the proper heirs, S.
_Acts Sedt._
DAUD, _s._ A large piece.
V. ~Dawd~.
DAUE, _adj._ Listless, inactive.
V. ~Daw~.
DAVEL, DEVEL, _s._ A stunning blow, S.
_Gl. Sibb_.
_To_ DAUER, DAIVER, _v. a._ To stun, to stupify, Loth.
_To_ ~Dauer~, ~Daiver~, _v. n._
1. To become stupid.
2. To be benumbed, S. B.
_Journ. Lond._
Su. G. _daur-a_, infatuare, Teut. _daver-en_, tremere.
_To_ DAW, _v. n._ To dawn.