An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 218 : _Sherrifs._
~Dawt.i.t~, ~Dauted~, _part. pa._ Fondled.
DAY NOR DOOR. _I canna hear day
~Dawt.i.t~, ~Dauted~, _part. pa._ Fondled.
DAY NOR DOOR. _I canna hear day nor door_, I can hear nothing for noise, S. B.
_Journal Lond._
_To_ DE, DEE, _v. n._ To die.
~Done to de~, Killed.
DEAD MEN'S BELLS, Foxglove, S.
DEAF, _adj._
1. Flat, applied to soil, S.
Su. G. _daufjord_, terra sterilis.
2. Without vegetable life; often applied to grain, S.
A. S. _deaf corn_, frumentum sterile.
3. Rotten; as, _a deaf nit_, S. Teut. _doove noot_, id.
DEAMBULATOUR, _s._ A gallery.
Lat. _deambulator-ium_, id.
DEAN, DEN, _s._
1. A hollow where the ground slopes on both sides, S.
_Statist. Acc._
2. A small valley, S.
_Statist. Acc._
A. S. _den_, vallis.
_To_ DEAR, _v. n._ To savour.
DEARCH, DERCH, _s._ A dwarf.
V. ~Droich~.
DEASOIL, DEISHEAL, _s._ Motion contrary to that of the sun, Gael.
_To_ DEAVE, _v. n._ To deafen.
V. ~Deve~.
_To_ DEAW, _v. n._ To rain gently, to drizzle, S. B.
A. S. _deaw-ian_, Belg. _daw-en_, id.
DEBAID, _s._ Delay.
_To_ DEBAIT, _v. a._ To protect.
_To_ DEBAIT, _v. a._ To lower.
_To_ DEBAIT, _v. a._ To be diligent in procuring any thing.