An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 220 : DEER-HAIR, DEERS-HAIR, _s._ Heath clubrush, S.
_Minstrelsy Border._
_To_ DEFAIK, _v. a
DEER-HAIR, DEERS-HAIR, _s._ Heath clubrush, S.
_Minstrelsy Border._
_To_ DEFAIK, _v. a._ To relax, to remit; Fr. _defalqu-er_.
_To_ DEFAILL, _v. n._ To wax feeble.
Fr. _defaill-er_.
_To_ DEFAISE, _v. a._ To deduct.
_Acts Marie._
~Defaisance~, _s._
1. Excuse, subterfuge.
Fr. _defaite_, a s.h.i.+ft.
_Acts Ja. IV._
2. Defalcation, deduction.
_Acts Marie._
DEFAME, _s._ Infamy.
DEFAWTYT, _part. pa._ Forfeited.
Fr. _defaill-er_, to make a default.
_To_ DEFEND, _v. a._ To ward off.
Fr. _defend-re_, id.
_King's Quair._
_To_ DEFOUL, _v. a._
1. To defile.
2. To dishonour.
_Gawan and Gol._
~Defowle~, _s._ Disgrace.
_To_ DEFOUND, _v. a._ To pour down.
Lat. _defund-o_.
DEGEST, _adj._ Grave.
Lat. _digest-us_.
~Degestlie~, _adv._ Sedately.
DEGESTEABLE, _adj._ Concocted.
Fr. _digest-er_, to concoct.
DEGYSIT, _part. pa._ Disguised.
_King's Quair._
Fr. _deguis-er_, to disguise.