An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 228 : 11. To make an end of. _Douglas._ ~Dichtings~, _s. pl._ 1. Refuse, S. _Ross._ 2. The r

11. To make an end of.


~Dichtings~, _s. pl._

1. Refuse, S.


2. The refuse of corn, S. synon. _s.h.a.g_.

_To_ DICT, _v. a._ To dictate.

V. ~Dite~.

_To_ DIDDLE, _v. n._

1. To move like a dwarf, S.


2. To shake, to jog.


Isl. _dudd-est_, segnipes esse.

DIE, s. A toy, a gewgaw, Loth.

DIET-BOOKE, s. A diary.


L. B. _diaet-a_, iter unius diei.

DIFFER, _s._ A difference, S.

_Bp. Forbes._

DIFFICIL, _adj._ Difficult.

_Complaynt S._

_To_ DIFFOUND, _v. a._ To diffuse.


DIGNE. _adj._ Worthy.

V. ~Ding~.

DIKE, DYK, _s._

1. A wall, S.


2. A vein of _whinstone_, traversing the strata of coal, S.

_Statist. Acc._

3. A ditch.


A. S. _dic_, Su. G. _dike_, id.

_To_ ~Dyk~, _v. a._ To inclose with ramparts or ditches.


~Diker~,, _s._ One who builds inclosures of stone, generally without lime; also _dry-diker_, S.

_Statist. Acc._

_To_ DILL, _v. a._ To conceal.


Isl. _dyll-a_, Su. G. _doel-ja_, occultare.

_To_ DILL, _v. a._ To a.s.suage or remove.

_Bannatyne Poems._

A. S. _dilg-ian_, delere; Isl. _dill-a_, lallare.

Chapter 228 : 11. To make an end of. _Douglas._ ~Dichtings~, _s. pl._ 1. Refuse, S. _Ross._ 2. The r
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