An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 236 : DOCKUS, _s._ Any thing very short, S.
DOCUS, _s._ A stupid fellow, S.
Germ. _docke_, a
DOCKUS, _s._ Any thing very short, S.
DOCUS, _s._ A stupid fellow, S.
Germ. _docke_, a puppet.
DOD, _s._ A slight fit of ill-humour, S.
Gael. _sdoid_, id.
~Doddy~, _adj._ Pettish, S.
Gael. _sdodach_.
_To_ DODD, _v. n._ To jog, _Fife._
Isl. _dudd-est_, segnipes esse.
1. Without horns, S.
2. Bald, without hair, S. B.
~Doddie~, _s._ A cow wanting horns, S.
_To_ DODGE, _v. n._ To jog, S. A.
_Gl. Sibb._
DOFART, _adj._ Stupid.
V. ~Duffart~.
DOGDRIVE, DOG DRAVE, _s._ A state of ruin.
DOG-HIP, _s._ The fruit of the Dog-rose, S.
DOG-NAs.h.i.+CKS, _s._ Something resembling the gall-nut, produced by an insect depositing its _ova_ on the leaves of the Trailing willow, S. B.
DOG'S CAMOVYNE, Weak-scented feverfew, also _Dog-gowan_, S. B.
DOG'S SILLER, Yellow rattle or c.o.c.k's comb, S.
DOG'S TANSY, _s._ Silver-weed, S.
~Doggis~, _s. pl._ Swivels.
_Complaynt S._
Norm. Fr. _dagge_, a small gun.
DOG-LATIN, _s. Macaronic_ Latin. S.
DOGONIS, _s. pl._ Suitors.
_To_ DOYCE, _v. a._ To give a dull heavy stroke, Ang.
~Doyce~, _s._
1. A dull heavy stroke, Ang.; _douss_, a blow, S.
V. ~Dusch~.
2. The flat sound caused by the fall of a heavy body, Ang.
DOID, _v. imp._ It becomes, Fr. _doit_.
DOIL, _s._ A piece of any thing, as of bread, Ang. _dole_, E.
DOIL'D, DOILT, _adj._
1. Stupid, confused, S.