An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 248 : _To_ DRESS, _v. a._
1. To treat well or ill.
2. To chastise, to drub, S.
_To_ DRESS, _v. a._
1. To treat well or ill.
2. To chastise, to drub, S.
3. To iron linens, S. _Dressing_-iron, a smoothing iron, S.
DRESSE, _s._ Exhibition.
_G.o.dly Ball._
DRESSER, _s._ A kitchen table, S.
Teut. _dressoor_, Fr. _dressoir_, a sideboard.
DREVEL, _s._ A driveller.
DREUILLYNG, DRIUYLLING, _s._ The vagaries of the mind, during unsound sleep.
Isl. _draefl_, _drafl_, sermo stultus; also apinae, fooleries.
DREW, _s._
1. A species of sea-weed that grows very long, Orkn.
2. Sea laces, Fucus filum, S.
Isl. _driugr_, prolixus.
DREW, _s._ A drop.
_Palice Honour._
1. A drop, S.
2. Drizzling rain, S.
Belg. _druppel_, a drop.
DRY GOOSE, a handful of the finest meal, pressed very close together, dipt in water, and then roasted among the ashes of a kiln, S. A.
V. ~Dreich~.
_To_ DRIDDER, _v. a._
V. ~Dredour~.
_To_ DRIDDLE, _v. n._
1. To spill from carelessness, Loth.
2. To have a diarrhoea.
_To_ DRIDDLE, _v. n._
1. To move slowly, S. B., same as _druttle_, q. v.
2. To be diligent without progress, Border.
DRIDDLES, _s. pl._ The intestines of a slaughtered animal, Fife.
DRIDDLINS, _s. pl._ The knotted meal left after baking, S.
Germ. _trodel_, _treidel_, veteramenta.