An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 259 : EEBREK c.r.a.p, The third crop after lea, S. B. EEGHIE ~nor~ OGHIE. _I can hear neithe

EEBREK c.r.a.p, The third crop after lea, S. B.

EEGHIE ~nor~ OGHIE. _I can hear neither eeghie nor oghie_, neither one thing nor another, Ang.


Su. G. _igh_, or _eighi_, not.

EEKFOW, _adj._ Equal; also, just, Ang.

Su. G. _ekt-a_, Germ. _eicht_, justus.

~Eeksie-peeksie~, _adj._ Equal, Ang.

EEL. _A nine-ee'd eel_, a lamprey, S.

Su. G. _neionoogon_, Germ. _neunauge_, id.

~Eel-backit~, _adj._ Having a black line on the back, applied to a dun-coloured horse, S.

~Eelpout~, _s._ The viviparous Blenny, S.

EERIE, _adj._ Timorous.

V. ~Ery~.

EFFECTUOUS, _adj._ Affectionate.

L. B. _affectuos-us_, id.


_To_ EFFEIR, _v. n._

1. To become, to fit.

_Chr. Kirk._

2. To be proportional to.


~Effeir~, _s._

1. What is becoming.

_Maitland Poems._

2. A property, quality.


_To_ EFFERE, EFFEIR, _v. a._

1. To fear.


2. To affright.


A. S. _afaer-an_, terrere.

_To_ ~Effeir~, _v. n._ To fear.


~Effray~, ~Effraying~, _s._ Terror.


Fr. _effray-ir_, to affright.

~Effrayitly~, _adv._ Under affright.


EFREST, Best; Isl. _ypprist_.


EFT, _adv._ After.

A. S. id.


~Eft castel~, Hinder part of the s.h.i.+p.

Chapter 259 : EEBREK c.r.a.p, The third crop after lea, S. B. EEGHIE ~nor~ OGHIE. _I can hear neithe
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