An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 262 : _Burns._ 2. Wood reduced to the state of charcoal, S. 3. In _pl._ metaph. for the ruin


2. Wood reduced to the state of charcoal, S.

3. In _pl._ metaph. for the ruins of a country desolated by war.


A. S. _ysle_, embers, Isl. _eysa_, carbones candentes sub cinere.

ELBOCK, ELBUCK, _s._ Elbow, S.


A. S. _elboga_, Alem. _elnboga_, from A. S. _eln_, the arm, and _boge_, curvature.

~Elbow-grease~, _s._

1. Hard work with the arms, S.

2. Brown rappee, Ang.

ELDARIS, ELDRYS, _s. pl._ Ancestors.


A. S. _aldor_, Su. G. _aeldre_, senior.

ELDER, _s._ Among Presbyterians, one ordained to the exercise of government without having authority to teach, S.

_Buik of Discipline._


1. The ecclesiastical court, now called a Presbytery.

_Buik of Discipline._

2. The Kirk-session of a particular congregation, S.


A. S. _ealdor-scipe_, princ.i.p.atus.


1. Grandfather.

A. S. _eald fader_, id.


2. Father in law.


ELDIN, ELDING, _s._ Fuel of any kind, S.

A. S. _aeled_, Su. G. _eld_, fire.


ELDING, _s._ Age.

V. ~Eild~.

_Maitland P._

ELDIS, _adv._ On all sides.


A. S. _eallis_, omnino.

ELDMODER, _s._ Mother in law.


A. S. _ealde-moder_, avia.

ELDNING, ELDURING, _s._ Jealousy.

A. S. _ellnung_, emulation.


ELDREN, ELDERIN, _adj._ Elderly, S.

Chapter 262 : _Burns._ 2. Wood reduced to the state of charcoal, S. 3. In _pl._ metaph. for the ruin
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