An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 264 : _Burr. Lawes._
2. Orions girdle, a constellation.
From _eln_ and _wand_, a
_Burr. Lawes._
2. Orion's girdle, a constellation.
From _eln_ and _wand_, a rod.
EMAILLE, _s._ Enamel.
V. ~Amaille~.
EMBER GOOSE, A fowl which inhabits the seas about Orkney.
EMERANT, _s._ Emerald.
_King's Quair._
~Emerant~, ~Emerand~, _adj._ Green.
EMMIS, IMMIS, _adj._
1. Variable, Ang.
2. _An immis nicht_, a gloomy night, Banffs.
Su. G. _ymsa_, _oemsa_, to vary, alternare; Isl. _yms_, _ymiss_, varius.
_To_ EMPASH, EMPESCHE, _v. a._ To hinder.
Fr. _empescher_.
Fr. _empris_.
ENACH, _s._ Satisfaction for a trespa.s.s.
Gael. _enach_, a ransom.
_Reg. Maj._
ENARMED, _part. pa._ Armed.
~Enarmoure~, _s._ Armour.
ENBRODE, _part. pa._ Embroidered.
_To_ ENBUSCH, _v. a._ To lay in ambush.
Fr. _embusch-er_, id. q. _en bois_.
~Enbuschyt~, _s._ Ambuscade.
~Enbuschment~, _s._
1. Ambush.
2. Used in describing the testudo.
ENCHESOUN, _s._ Reason, cause.
O. Fr. _acheson_, occasion.