An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 286 : FELCOUTH. L. _selcouth_, strange. _Wallace._ _To_ FELL, _v. a._ To kill, S. _Poems Buc

FELCOUTH. L. _selcouth_, strange.


_To_ FELL, _v. a._ To kill, S.

_Poems Buchan Dial._

_To_ FELL, _v. n._ To befal.


FELL, _adj._

1. Hot, biting, S.


2. Singular, strange, S.

3. Clever, mettlesome, S.


4. Acute, transferred to mind, S.

_To_ FELL, FELL OFF, _v. a._ To let out a net from a boat, S. B.

_Law Case._

Su. G. _faell-a_, dejicere, demittere.

FELL, _s._ A rocky hill, S.


Su. G. _fiaell_, a ridge or chain of mountains.

FELL-BLOOM, _s._ Yellow clover, S.

FELL SYIS, _adv._ Often.


FELLIN, _s._ A disease of cattle, S.


1. Fierce.


2. Violent, dreadful.


3. Denoting any thing extreme.

Fr. _felon_, _fellon_, fell, cruel.


~Felony~, ~Felny~, _s._

1. Cruelty.


2. Wrath, fierceness.


FELT, _s._ Creeping wheat-gra.s.s, S.

_Statist. Acc._

FELT, _s._ Perhaps the same with _fellin_.


_To_ FELTER, _v. a._ To entangle, S. B.

Fr. _feultrer_, to cover with _felt_.


Chapter 286 : FELCOUTH. L. _selcouth_, strange. _Wallace._ _To_ FELL, _v. a._ To kill, S. _Poems Buc
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