An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 290 : FERRARIS, _s. pl._ _Barell ferraris_, casks for carrying liquids. _Barbour._ Fr. _ferr

FERRARIS, _s. pl._ _Barell ferraris_, casks for carrying liquids.


Fr. _ferriere_, a large leathern bottle.

FERRY COW, a cow that is not with calf, S.

Belg. _vare koe_, a cow that yields no more milk.

FERRYAR, FERREAR, _s._ A ferryman.

_Acts Ja. I._


FERS. _On fers._ Perforce.


FERSIE, _s._ The farcy, S.


FERTER-LIKE, _adj._ Appearing ready for the bier or coffin, Aberd.

V. ~Fertour~.

_Poems Buchan Dial._

FERTOUR, FERTOR, _s._ A little chest.


L. B. _feretrum_, a sarcophagus; whence O. Fr. _fiertre_, a chest in which reliques of saints were kept.

_To_ FEST, _v. a._

1. To fix.

_Gawan and Gol._

Su. G. _faesta_, to fasten.

2. To confirm, by promise or oath.


_To_ ~Fessin~, _v. a._ To fasten.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

~Festnyng~, _s._ Confirmation.


A. S. _faestnung_, id.

_To_ FETYL, _v. n._ To join closely.

Su. G. _faetil_, ligamen.


FETTIL, FETTLE, _s._ Energy, power, S. B.


_To_ FETTLE, _v. a._ To tie up, S.

FETTLE, _adj._

1. Neat, tight, S. B.

2. Low in stature, but well-knit, S. B.

FETOUS, _adj._ Neat, trim.


~Fetusly~, _adv._ Featly.


_To_ FEUCH, FEUGH, _s._ To take a whiff, S. B.

Chapter 290 : FERRARIS, _s. pl._ _Barell ferraris_, casks for carrying liquids. _Barbour._ Fr. _ferr
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