An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 330 : FULLELY, _adv._ Fully.
FULMAR, _s._ A species of petrel.
FULLELY, _adv._ Fully.
FULMAR, _s._ A species of petrel.
V. ~Fowmarte~.
FUMLER, _s._ _Caik fumler_, a parasite.
_To_ FUNDY, FUNNY, _v. n._ To become stiff with cold.
FUNDYN, _part. pa._
1. Found.
2. Supplied.
A. S. _find-an_, suppeditare.
FUNYIE, _s._ A polecat.
V. ~Foyn~.
_To_ FUNK, _v. a._
1. To strike, S.
2. To kick behind, S.
~Funk~, _s._
1. A stroke, S.
2. A kick, S.
3. Ill humour, Loth.
Teut. _in de fonck zijn_, turbari.
1. A furrow, S.
~Furlenth~, _s._ The length of a furrow.
_Gawan and Gol._
2. What resembles a furrow.
Dan. _fur_, A. S. _furh_, id.
FUR. _pret._
1. Went.
2. Fared; as to food.
FURC, _s._ Gallows.
V. ~Pit~.
_To_ FURE, _v. a._
1. To carry.
_Acts Ja. III._