An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 341 : 2. The top of a hill.
O. Goth. _wari_, a mountain.
~Garritour~, _s._ The w
2. The top of a hill.
O. Goth. _wari_, a mountain.
~Garritour~, _s._ The watchman on the battlements of a castle.
_K. Hart._
1. A small horse, S.
Ir. id. a hackney.
_Stat. Acc._
2. An old stiff horse, Loth.
3. A tall stout fellow, Ang.
Ir. _garran_, a strong horse.
GARRON NAILS, Spike nails, S.
GARSON, _s._ An attendant.
_Sir Gawan._
Fr. _garcon_, a boy.
GARSTY, _s._ The resemblance of an old dike, Orkn.
Isl. _gardsto_, locus sepimenti.
GARSUMMER, _s._ Gossamer.
GART, GERT, _pret._ of ~Gar~, ~Ger~.
GARTANE, _s._ A garter, S.
_Chron. S. P._
Gael. _gairtein_, id.
GARTEN BERRIES, Bramble berries.
_Gl. Sibb._
GARTH, _s._
1. An inclosure.
2. A garden.
A. S. _geard_, used in both senses.
GARVIE, _s._ The sprat, a fish, S. _Garvock_, Inverness.
_To_ GASH, _v. n._
1. To talk a great deal in a confident way, S.
2. To talk pertly, or insolently, S.
3. To talk freely and fluently, S. synon, _gab_.
Fr. _gauss-er_, to gibe. Roquefort gives O. Fr. _gas_, _gaz_, as merely a variation of _gab_, plaisanterie, moquerie.
~Gash~, _s._
1. Prattle, S. synon. _gab_.
2. Pert language, S.
~Gash~, _adj._
1. Shrewd in conversation, sagacious, S.