An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 345 : 2. A pointed staff, from Su. G. _gadd_, aculeus.
_Gl. Sibb._
GEE, (_g_ hard) _s._ _To
2. A pointed staff, from Su. G. _gadd_, aculeus.
_Gl. Sibb._
GEE, (_g_ hard) _s._ _To tak the gee_, to become pettish and unmanageable, S.
Isl. _geig_, offensa.
GEY, GAY, (_g_ hard) _adj._ Tolerable.
_S. P. Repr._
_A gey wheen_, a considerable number.
~Gey~, ~Gay~, _adv._ Indifferently. _Gey and weil_, pretty well, S.
~Geily~, ~Gayly~, ~Geylies~, _adv._ Pretty well, S.
Teut. _gheef_, sa.n.u.s; Su. G. _gef_, usualis.
GEYELER, _s._ Jailor.
_To_ GEIF, GEYFF, _v. a._ To give.
_To_ GEIG, (_g_ soft) _v. n._ To make a creaking noise, S.
Germ. _geig-en_, fricare.
GEIG, _s._ A net used for catching the razor-fish.
GEIL, GEILL, _s._ Jelly, S.
Fr. _gel_.
GEILL POKKIS, bags through which calfshead _jelly_ is strained.
_Maitland P._
GEING, (_g_ hard) _s._ Intoxicating liquor of any kind, Ang.
Isl. _gengd_, cerevisiae motus.
GEING, (_g_ hard) _s._ Dung, Bord.
A. S. _geng_, latrina.
GEIR, _s._ Accoutrements, &c.
V. ~Ger~.
_To_ GEYZE, GEISIN, GIZZEN, (_g_ hard) _v. n._ To become leaky for want of moisture, S.
Su. G. _gistn-a_, _gisn-a_, id.
GEIST, _s._
1. An exploit; Lat. _gesta_.
2. The history of any memorable action.
1. A joist, S.