An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 371 : GRAGGIT, _part. pa._ Excommunicated.
GRAY, _adj._ Denoting what is bad or f
GRAGGIT, _part. pa._ Excommunicated.
GRAY, _adj._ Denoting what is bad or fatal, S.
GRAY FISH, _s._ The coal fish.
_Stat. Acc._
_To_ GRAIF, GRAWE, _v. a._ To bury.
A. S. _graf-an_, Su. G. _be-grafw-a_, id.
_To_ GRAYF, _v. a._ To engrave.
GRAYLORD, _s._ The Coal fish full grown.
_To_ GRAINE, GRANE, _v. n._
1. To groan, S.
A. S. _gran-ian_, Belg. _gran-en_, id.
~Graine~, ~Grane~, _s._ A groan, S.
_Chr. Kirk._
1. The branch of a tree, S. B.
_Acts Ja. VI._
2. The stem of a plant.
3. A branch of a river, S.
4. In pl., the p.r.o.ngs of a fork, S.
Su. G. _gren-a_, Isl. _grein-a_, dividere; _grein_, distinctio.
GRAINTER, _s._ One who has the charge of granaries.
Fr. _grenetier_, id.
_To_ GRAIP, _v. a._
1. To grope, S.
A. S. _grap-an_, id.
2. To feel; in general.
GRAIP, GRIP, _s._ The griffin.
Goth. _greip_, a ravenous bird.
GRAIP, _s._ A dung fork, S.
Su. G. _grepe_, id.
_To_ GRAITH, GRATHE, _v. a._