An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 365 : _Acts Ja. VI._
GOLDSPINK, _s._ The Goldfinch, S. _goudspink_.
_Acts Ja. VI._
GOLDSPINK, _s._ The Goldfinch, S. _goudspink_.
1. A game in Scotland, in which hooked clubs are used for striking b.a.l.l.s, stuffed very hard with feathers, from one hole to another. He who drives his ball into the hole with fewest strokes, is the winner.
_Acts Ja. II._
Belg. _kolf_, a club for striking bowls or b.a.l.l.s.
2. _Gouf_, a stroke, S.
_A. Nicol._
GOLINGER, _s._ A contemptuous term, Dumfr.
V. ~Gileynour~.
Isl. _goelengar_, illecebrae.
GOLINYIE, _s._ Apparently, a subterfuge.
V. preceding word.
GOLK, _s._ Cuckow.
V. ~Gouck~.
GOLKGALITER, s. Some kind of disease.
Germ. _koken_, evomere, and A. S. _gealla_, bile.
GOME, GUYM, _s._ A man; sometimes, a brave man.
Moes. G. _guma_, vir, A. S. _goma_, vir nubilis.
~Gome-graithe~, _s._ Furniture for war.
_Sir Gawan._
GOMRELL, GAMPHRELL, _s._ A stupid fellow, S.
Fr. _goimpre_, one who minds nothing but his belly; Isl. _gambr-a_, blaterare, jactare.
_To_ GOO, _v. n._ To coo; a term used with respect to infants, S.
C. B. _cuaw_, to be loving.
_To_ GOOD, GUDIN, _v. a._ To manure.
V. ~Gude~.
1. A proprietor of land, S.
V. ~Gude~, _adj._ sense 3.
2. The owner of a single farm which he himself occupies.
_Bp. Galloway._
3. A farmer, S.
4. A husband.
V. ~Gudeman~.
5. The master of a family, S.