An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 384 : _L. Hailes._
GUILDE, GOOL, _s._ Corn marigold, S.
_Gules_, S. B.
Su. G. _gul_, _gol_,
_L. Hailes._
GUILDE, GOOL, _s._ Corn marigold, S.
_Gules_, S. B.
Su. G. _gul_, _gol_, yellow.
~Gool riding~, _s._ Riding through a parish, to observe the growth of _guild_, and to fine the negligent farmer, S.
_Stat. Acc._
GUKKOW, _s._ The cuckow.
V. ~Gowk~.
GUKSTON GLAIKSTON, a contemptuous designation expressive of the combination of folly and vain-glory.
From _gowk_, a fool, and _glaiks_, the unstable reflexion of rays of light.
GULBOW, _s._ Intimacy, Orkn.
Isl. _gilld_, sodalitium, and _bo_, incola.
GULE, _adj._ Yellow.
V. ~Gool~.
To GULLER, _v. n._ To guggle, S.; _buller_, synon.
Sw. _kolr-a_, id.
GULLY, _s._
1. A large knife, S.
2. _To guide the gully_, to have the chief management, S.
3. A warlike weapon, S. B.
_Poems Buchan Dial._
_To_ ~Gulligaw~, _v. a._ To wound with a knife in a quarrel, S. B.
From _gully_, and _gaw_ to excoriate.
GULLION, _s._ A quagmire, Loth.
Su. G. _goel_, O. Germ. _gulle_, vorago.
GULP, _s._ A big unwieldy child, Ang.
GULSCHY, _adj._ Gross in the body, Clydes.
Teut. _gulsigh_, voracious.
GULSCHOCH, _s._ The jaundice.
_Complaynt S._
Su. G. _gulsot_, Belg. _geelzucht_, id. i. e. the yellow sickness.
~Gulschoch~, _adj._ Having a jaundiced appearance.
GULSOCH, _s._ Voracious appet.i.te, Fife.
Teut. _gulsigh_, gulosus.
GUM, _s._
1. A mist.
2. Variance, umbrage, S.
Arab. _ghum_, sorrow.