An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 388 : 2. To increase in size.
HACE, HAIS, _adj._ Hoa.r.s.e.
A. S. Isl.
2. To increase in size.
HACE, HAIS, _adj._ Hoa.r.s.e.
A. S. Isl. _has_, Su. G. _haes_, id.
HACHART, _s._ A cougher.
V. ~Haugh~.
_Maitland P._
HACHES, _s. pl._ Racks for hay.
V. ~Hack~.
_Sir Gawan._
1. A rack for cattle, S.
_To live at hack and manger_, S. to live in great fulness.
Su. G. _haeck_, locus ubi foenum equis apponitur.
2. A frame suspended from the roof for drying cheeses, S.
HACK, _s. Muck-hack_, a dung-fork, Ang.
Dan. _hakke_, a mattock.
_Statist. Acc._
HACK, _s._ A chop in the hands or feet, S.
Isl. _hiack-a_, Su. G. _hack-a_, to chop.
_To_ ~Hack~, _v. n._ To be chopped, S.
HACKREY-LOOK'D, _adj._ Rough, gruff; pitted with the small-pox; Orkn.
Dan. _hak_, a notch.
HACKSTOCK, _s._ A chopping-block, S. Germ.
HACSHE, _s._ Ache, pain.
HADDYR, HADDER, _s._ Heath; _heather_, S.
HADDER ~and~ PELTER, a flail, Dumf.
HADDIES COG, a measure formerly used for meting out the meal appropriated for supper to the servants, Ang.
Su. G. _had_, a person.
_To_ HAE, _v. a._ To have, S.
~Hae~, _s._ Property, Aberd.
HAFF-MERK MARRIAGE, a clandestine marriage, S. from the price paid.
_To gae to the half-mark kirk_, to go to be married clandestinely, S.
HAFFIT, HAFFAT, HALFFET, _s._ The side of the head, S.