An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 391 : HAIMS, HAMMYS, HEMS, _s. pl._ A collar, formed of two pieces of wood, put round the ne
HAIMS, HAMMYS, HEMS, _s. pl._ A collar, formed of two pieces of wood, put round the neck of a working horse or ox, S.
_Palice Honour._
Teut. _hamme koe-hamme_, numella.
_To_ HAIN, HANE, _v. a._ To spare. S.
2. Not to expend, S.
_To_ ~Hain~, _v. n._ To be penurious, S.
V. ~Haning~.
_To_ HAINGLE, _v. n._
1. To go about feebly, S.
2. To dangle, S.
Sw. _haengl-a_, to languish.
~Haingles~, _s. pl._
1. The influenza, Ang.
2. _To hae the haingles_, to be in a state of _ennui_, Ang.
HAIP, _s._ A sloven, Ang. Fife.
_A. Doug._
Perhaps from E. _heap_, c.u.mulus; S. B. p.r.o.n. _haip_.
HAIR, _s._ A very small portion, S.
HAIR, HAR, HARE, _adj._
1. Cold.
2. Keen, biting.
3. Moist; as in _hair-mould_, that kind of mouldiness which appears on bread, &c.; and _hayr rym_, h.o.a.r-frost.
_Complaynt S._
4. Ungrateful to the ear.
5. h.o.a.ry, with age.
Isl. _har_, ca.n.u.s; _hor_, mucor.
HAIRSE, _s._ A l.u.s.tre, S. B.
Germ. _kerze_, a candle.
HAIRST, _s._ Harvest, S. _haist_, Moray.
Belg. _herfst_, Isl. _haust_, Dan. _hoest_, id.
HAIRT, s. _Fleing Hairt_.
HAIR-TETHER, _s._ A tether made of hair, S.
_To_ HAISTY, _v. a._ To hasten.