An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 404 : HATE, HAIT, HAID, _s._ A whit, an atom, S.
Isl. _haete_, the smallest object that can
HATE, HAIT, HAID, _s._ A whit, an atom, S.
Isl. _haete_, the smallest object that can be imagined.
HATHILL, HATh.e.l.l, _s._ A n.o.bleman.
V. ~Athill~.
_Sir Gawan._
HATHER, _s._ Heath.
_Acts Ja. VI._
HATRENT, _s._ Hatred.
_Compl. S._
HATRY, _adj._ Disordered; as, a _hatry head_, i. e. matted, S. B.
V. ~Atry~.
_To_ HATTER, _v. a._ To batter, to shatter.
_Gawan and Gol._
HATTIR, _adj._ Maple.
V. ~Haltir~.
HATt.i.t KIT, a dish of sour or coagulated cream, S.
Teut. _hott-en_, to coagulate.
HATTREL, _s._ A collection of purulent matter, S. B.
V. ~Atry~.
HATTREL, _s._ The flint of a horn, S. O.
HATTOU. _What hattou_, what art thou named.
V. ~Hat~.
_Sir Tristrem._
HAUCH, _s._ The forcible reiterated respiration of one who exerts all his strength in giving a stroke, S. _hech_.
Germ. _hauch_, halitus.
HAUCHS _of a sock_, the three points into which the upper part of a ploughshare is divided, and by which it clasps in the wood, Ang.
Isl. _haeck_, Dan. _hage_, uncus.
HAUGH, HAWCH, HAUCH, HALCHE, _s._ Low-lying flat ground, properly on the border of a river, and such as is sometimes overflowed, S.
Gael. _augh_, id. Isl. _hage_, a place for pasture.
_To_ HAVE, _v. a._
1. To carry.
_Acts Ja. I._
2. To behave.
_To_ HAVER, _v. n._ To talk foolishly, S. p.r.o.n. _haiver_.
Isl. _gifr-a_, loquitor, _hefer_, garrulus.
~Havers~, ~Haivers~, _s._ Foolish or incoherent talk, S.
_J. Nicol._
~Haveril~, _s._ One who habitually talks in a foolish manner, S.