An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 411 : _To_ HEIS, HEYS, HEEZE, _v. a._ To lift up, S.
Su. G. _hiss-a_, Belg. _hys-
_To_ HEIS, HEYS, HEEZE, _v. a._ To lift up, S.
Su. G. _hiss-a_, Belg. _hys-en_, id.
~Heis, Heeze, Heisie~, _s._
1. The act of lifting up.
2. Aid, furtherance, S. B.
3. The act of swinging, Loth.
4. Denoting any thing that discomposes.
~Heys and how~, A sea cheer.
HEYTIE, _s._ A name for the game of _s.h.i.+ntie_, Loth.
HEKKIL, HECKLE, _s._ A hackling-comb, S.
_To_ HELE, _v. a._ To conceal.
V. ~Heild~.
HELDE, _s._ Age; for _eld_.
HELY, _adv._ Highly.
V. ~He~.
HELY, _adv._ Loudly.
HELYNG, _s._ Covering.
HELIE, _adj._ Proud.
V. ~Heily~.
h.e.l.lIER, HALYEAR, _s._ Half a year, S.
h.e.l.lIS, HELS, _s. pl._ h.e.l.l.
_Abp. Hamiltoun._
h.e.l.lIS-CRUK, _s._ A crook for holding vessels over a fire.
_S. P. Repr._
Teut. _hels-en_, to embrace.
HELM ~of~ WEET, a great fall of rain, Ang.
A. S. _holm_, water.
~Helmy~, _adj._ Rainy, Ang.
A. S. _holmeg wedder_, procellosum coelum.
HELME STOK, _s._ The handle of the helm.
Teut. _helm-stock_, id.
HELPLIE, _adj._ Helpful, S. B.