An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 417 : A. S. _heafud_, id.; q. what is _heavd_ or lifted up.
HEWYD, HEWYT, _part. pa._ Colour
A. S. _heafud_, id.; q. what is _heav'd_ or lifted up.
HEWYD, HEWYT, _part. pa._ Coloured.
HEWIS, _o. p. v._ Perhaps, for _haves_, has.
HEWIS, _s. pl._ Forms; ghosts.
A. S. _heawgas_, simulacra.
HEWIT, _pret._ Tarried.
_Gawan and Gol._
HEWIT, _part. pa._ Having hoofs.
HEWMOND, HEUMONT, _s._ A helmet.
Isl. _hilm-a_, to cover, and _mond_, mouth.
HY, _s._ Haste.
A. S. _hige_.
_To_ HYCHT, HIGHT, _v. n._
1. To trust, to expect.
A. S. _hihte_, spero.
2. To promise.
V. ~Hecht~.
~Hycht~, _s._ A promise.
_To_ HICHT, HIGHT, HEICHT, _v. a._
1. To heighten, S.
A. S. _hiht-an_, augere.
~Hichty~, _adj._ Lofty.
HIDDIE-GIDDIE, Loth., HIRDIE-GIRDIE, _adv._ Topsy-turvy.
Q. the _head_ in a _giddy_ state.
HIDDIL, HIDLINS, _adv._ Secretly, S.
~Hiddils~, ~Hiddillis~, ~Hidlings~, _s. pl._ Hiding-places.
_In the hiddils of_, under the cover or shelter of, S.
_In hidlings_, _adv._ secretly, S.
A. S. _hydels_, latibulum.