An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 425 : _Burns._
Isl. _hogg-a_, to strike.
_To_ ~Hogshouther~, _v. a._ To justle with the shou
Isl. _hogg-a_, to strike.
_To_ ~Hogshouther~, _v. a._ To justle with the shoulder.
_To_ HOY, _v. a._
1. To incite, a term used as to dogs, S.
2. To chase or drive away.
Isl. _ho-a_, greges convocare vel agere.
HOYES, _s._
1. A term used in public proclamations, calling attention, S.
O. Fr. _oyez_, hear ye.
2. Used as equivalent to _hue_, in the phrase _hue_ and _cry_.
_Stat. Rob. I._
1. A hall.
Su. G. _hof_, _aula_.
2. A burial-place. The place of interment at Dundee is called the _houff_.
Isl. _hof_, atrium, Germ. _hof_, area, _kirchhof_, area ante templum.
3. A haunt, S.
A. S. _hofe_, Germ. _hof_, a house.
4. A place where one wishes to be concealed.
A. S. _hofe_, spelunca, a den.
HOISPEHOY, _s._ A game used in Banffs.h.i.+re, similar to _Hide and Seek_.
O. Fr. _oyez_, hear, and _espier_, to spy; q. listen, I espy you.
_To_ HOIST, _v. n._ To cough.
V. ~Host~.
_To_ HOIT, HOYTE, _v. n._ To move with expedition, but stiffly and clumsily, S.
Isl. _haut-a_, cursitare more detentae volucris.
~Hoit~, _s._ A hobbling motion, S. B.
HOLYN, HOLENE, _s._ The holly, S. A. S. _holen_, id.
_To_ HOLK, HOUK, HOWK, _v. a._
1. To dig, S.
2. Metaph. to search.
_R. Bruce._
Su. G. _holk-a_, cavare, from _hol_, cavus.
HOLKIS, _s. pl._ A disease of the eye; _heuck_, S. B.