An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 432 : HUD, _s._ The trough employed by masons for carrying mortar, Loth.
_To_ HUD, _v. n._ T
HUD, _s._ The trough employed by masons for carrying mortar, Loth.
_To_ HUD, _v. n._ To hide.
V. ~Hod~.
_Leg. St Androis._
HUDDERIN, HUDERON, _part. adj._ Flabby in person, and slovenly. Ang.
p.r.o.n. _hutherin_.
2. Ugly, hideous, Aberd.
_Journ. Lond._
3. Empty, ill-filled, Orkn.
Teut. _huyder-en_, to have the udder distended.
~Huddroun~, _s. Belly-huddroun_, _s._ A gluttonous sloven.
HUDDY CRAW, HODDIE, _s._ The carrion crow, S. B. _hoddy craw_, S. A.
_huddit crau_.
_Complaynt S._
HUDDS, _s._ A kind of clay hardened, used for a back to a grate, Dumfr.
_Stat. Acc._
HUDDUM, HUDDONE, _s._ A kind of whale.
HUDGE-MUDGE, _adj._ Clandestinely, S. B.
_Poems Buch. Dial._
Su. G. _miugg_, secretly, compounded with _hug-a_, to meditate, O.
Teut. _huggh-en_, to observe.
HUD-PYKE, _s._ A miser.
Su. G. _pick-hogad_, qui avide desiderat.
HUFUD, _s._ A stroke on the head, S. B.
HUGGRIE-MUGGRIE, _adv._ Hugger-mugger, Fife.
V. ~Hudge-mudge~.
HUICK, _s._ A small rick of corn, Banffs.
_To_ HUIK, _v. a._ To consider, to regard.
_Chron. S. P._
Teut. _huggh-en_, observare, considerare.
HUKEBANE, _s._ Huckle-bone, S. B.
Su. G. Isl. _huk-a_, inclinare se.
_To_ HUKE, Perhaps, to tack; Teut. _huck-en_, incurvare.
_Maitland P._
HULGIE-BACK, _s._ Hump back.
_Gl. Ross._
~Hulgie-backed~, _adj._ Hump-backed, S. B.
Su. G. _hulkig_, convexus, E. _hulch_.