An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 436 : Isl. _hwisl-a_, in aurum susurrare.
HUT, An overgrown and indolent person, Ang.
Isl. _hwisl-a_, in aurum susurrare.
HUT, An overgrown and indolent person, Ang.
~Hut~, ~Hand-hut~, _s._ A small stack built in the field, S.
HUT, _s._ A square basket, formerly used in Galloway for carrying out dung to the field, of which the bottom opened to let the contents fall out.
HUTHER, _s._ A wetting mist, S. B. ~It's hutherin~, it rains slightly, ibid.
Isl. _hiufrar_, parum pluit; _hiufr_, pluvia tenuis.
1. A young heifer, Ang. Loth.
V. ~Hudderin~.
2. A stupid fellow, Orkney.
HUTTIS ILL, some disease.
HUTt.i.t, _adj._ Hated, abominable.
Su. G. _hutta_, c.u.m indignatione et contemtu ejicere.
HUTTOCK, _s._ Perhaps mitre.
_Pal. Hon._
Fr. _haute toque_, high cap.
_To_ HUZZH, _v. a._ To lull a child, S.
Isl. _hoss-a_, id.
HWINKLE FACED, _adj._ Lantern-jawed, Orkn.
I, J, Y.
J corresponds to Germ. Belg. _sch_, Su. G. Isl. _sk_. Y, as prefixed to verbs, participles and verbal nouns, is merely the vestige of A. S.
_ge_, corresponding to Moes. G. _ga_. _Ie_ is a termination used for forming diminutives.
JA, _s._ The jay.
_Bannatyne Poems._
JABB, _s._ A net for catching the fry of coal-fish.
_Stat. Acc._
JABBIT, _adj._ Fatigued, jaded.
_Gl. s.h.i.+rr._
JABBLE, _s._ Soup, Aberd.
JACINCTYNE, _s._ Hyacinth.
Fr. _jacynthe_, id.
JACKSTIO, _s._ Jack-pudding.
Su. G. _stoja_, tumultuari; Isl. _stygg-r_, insolens.
_To_ JAG, _v. a._
1. To job, S.