An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 440 : YDY, _s._ An eddy, a pool.
Isl. _ida_, vortex aquae, _id-a_, more fluentis
YDY, _s._ An eddy, a pool.
Isl. _ida_, vortex aquae, _id-a_, more fluentis aquae circ.u.mcursito.
IDLESET, _s._ The state of being idle, S.
Q. _set_ or placed _idle_.
_R. Bruce._
YDILTETH, _s._ Idleness.
_K. Ja. VI._
A. S. _idel tid_, tempus vacuum.
YDRAW, _part. pa._ Drawn; metaph. advanced.
_To_ JEALOUSE, _v. a._ To suspect, S.
JEBAT, _s._ A gibbet.
JEDDART JUSTICE, A legal trial after the infliction of punishment, S.
_Minstrelsy Border._
~Jedburgh staff~, A kind of spear, for making which the artificers of Jedburgh were formerly celebrated.
JEDGE, _s._ A gauge.
_Acts. Ja. VI._
O. Fr. _jauger_, to gage.
_To_ JEE, _v. n._
1. To move, to stir, S.
2. To move to one side, S. _Gee_, E.
Sw. _gaa_, to budge; also to turn round; Isl. _gag-ast_, in obliquum ferri.
_To_ JEEG, _v. n._
1. To creak, S.
2. To _jeeg at_, to work so as to make a creaking noise, S.
Isl. _jag-a_, eadem oberrare chorda; or _gigia_, a fiddle.
JEEGLER, _s._ An unfledged bird, Loth.
JELLY, adj.
1. Upright, worthy, S. B.
2. Excellent in its kind, Moray.
_Popular Ball._
Su. G. _gill_, able; also denoting the moral qualities.
JELLILY, _adv._ Merrily, Moray; _jollily_, E.
_Popular Ball._
JILLET, _s._ A giddy girl, S. perhaps corr. from E. _jilt_.