An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 449 : V. ~Swak~.
_To_ INTAKE, _v. a._ To take a fortified place.
Sw. _
V. ~Swak~.
_To_ INTAKE, _v. a._ To take a fortified place.
Sw. _intag-a_, to take a town.
INTAKE, _s._
1. The bringing in of the crop, S.
2. A contraction, in sewing, S.
3. That portion of running water which is _taken_ off from the stream, S.
_Law Case._
4. A fraud, a swindling trick, S.
5. A swindler, Aberd.
_To_ INTEND, _v. n._ To direct one's course.
L. B. _intend-ere_, id.
_To_ INTEND, _v. a._ To prosecute legally, a forensic term.
_Acts Sed._
L. B. _intend-ere_, judicio contendere.
_To_ INTENT, _v. a._ Same as the preceding _v._
L. B. _intent-are_, id.
_To_ INTERCOMMUNE, _v. n._ To have any intercourse with one denounced a rebel.
~Intercommuner~, ~Intercommoner~, _s._
1. One who holds such intercourse.
_Acts Ja. VI._
2. One who treats between parties at variance.
INTERKAT, _adj._ Intricate.
_To_ INTERMELL, _v. n._ To intermingle.
V. ~Mell~.
_To_ INTERPELL, _v. a._ To importune, Lat.
_R. Bruce._
_To_ INSIST, _v. n._ To continue in a discourse, S.
_Minstrelsy Border._
_To_ INTERTRIK, _v. a._ To censure.
Fr. _entre_ and _triquer_, to cull out.
V. ~Sucken~.
INTEST, Perhaps, troubled.