An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 457 : _Minstr. Bord._
Gael. _cam_, expl. a crooked bill; or rather Mod. Sax. _kam_, the summ
_Minstr. Bord._
Gael. _cam_, expl. a crooked bill; or rather Mod. Sax. _kam_, the summit of a mound.
KAYME, KAME, _s._ A honeycomb.
V. ~Cane~.
KAIR, _s._ A mire, a puddle, Fife.
Isl. _ker_, palus; Sw. _kiaerr_, paludes.
KAIRD, _s._ A gipsey.
V. ~Caird~.
KAIRS, _s. pl._ Rocks through which there is an opening, S.
A. S. _carr_, a rock.
KAISART, _s._ A cheese-vat; also called _chizzard_, S. B.
Teut. _kaese-horde_, id.
KAY-WATTIE, _s._ A jack-daw.
V. ~Kay~.
KAY-WITTED, _adj._ Brainish, hot-headed, hair-brained, S.
V. ~Kay~.
KANNIE, _adj._ Prudent, &c.
V. ~Canny~.
KAR, _adj._ Left-handed.
V. ~Ker~.
V. ~Caralyngis~ and ~Carolewyn~.
KARRIEWHITCHIT, _s._ A fondling term for a child, Ang.
KATABELLA, _s._ The Hen harrier, Orkn.
V. ~Cateranes~.
KATOGLE, _s._ The Eagle-owl, Orkn.
Sw. _katugl_, id.
KATOURIS, _s. pl._ Caters.
KAVEL, KEVEL, CAVEL, _s._ A mean fellow.
KEADY, _adj._ Wanton.
V. ~Caige~, _v._
KEAVIE, _s._ A species of crab.