An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 462 : 2. Cruel.
_Sir Tristrem._
A. S. _cene_, Su. G. _koen_, audax.
KENERED, _pret._ Stirred
2. Cruel.
_Sir Tristrem._
A. S. _cene_, Su. G. _koen_, audax.
KENERED, _pret._ Stirred.
_Sir Gawan._
From C. B. _cynhyrv-u_, to move, to stir.
KENT, _s._ A long staff used by shepherds for leaping over ditches or brooks, S.
_To_ KEP, KEPP, KEIP, _v. a._
1. To intercept, S.
2. To receive in the act of falling, S.
3. To meet in a hostile way.
4. To meet in an amicable way, S. B.
_Gawan and Gol._
5. To meet accidentally, S.
A. S. _cep-an_, Teut. _kepp-en_, captare.
~Kepar~, _s._ One who catches at a thing.
KEPE, _s._ Care, heed. _To tak kepe_, to take care.
A. S. _cep-an_, curare, advertere.
KER, KAR, _adj._ Left, S.
Gael. _caerr_, id.
KER, _s._ The soft kernel of suet, Ang.
KERB, KIRB STONES, The large stones on the borders of a causeway; or _curb-stones_, because serving as a fence to the rest, S.
_Statist. Acc._
V. ~Ca.r.s.e~.
KERSSES, _s. pl._ Cresses, S.
A. S. _caerse_, Belg. _kerss_, id.
KEST, KEIST, _pret. v._
1. Threw.
_Complaynt S._
2. Threw off in the chase.
3. Contrived, formed a plan.
KEST, _part. pa._ Cased.
KET, KETT, _s._ The flesh of animals that have died of disease or from accident, Loth. Bord.