An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 464 : _To_ KID, _v. n._ To toy, Fife.
Su G. _kaet-jas_, lascivire.
KID, KAID, _s._ The tick
_To_ KID, _v. n._ To toy, Fife.
Su G. _kaet-jas_, lascivire.
KID, KAID, _s._ The tick or sheep-louse.
KYDD, _part. pa._ Manifested; from _kythe_.
_Sir Gawan._
KIDDY, _adj._ Wanton, Ang.
V. ~Caigie~.
KIDE, _s._ Perh. q. _Kith_, q. v.
_Sir Gawan._
KIGH, _s._ A slight tickling cough, S.
Germ. _keich-en_, tussire.
Isl. Sw. _kikn-a_, spiritum amittere.
_To_ KIGHER, KICKER, _v. n._ To t.i.tter, S.
Germ. _kicker-n_, id.
KIL, A term entering into the formation of many names of places in S.
_Stat. Acc._
From Gael. _cill_, a cell, as denoting that this was once the abode of a religious.
KYLE, _s._ A sound, a strait, S.
Gael. _caolas_, id. Isl. _kyll_, gurges.
KILE, KYLE, _s._ A chance.
Corr. from _Cavil_, q. v.
KILL, _s._ A kiln, S. _To fire the kill_, to raise a combustion.
~Kill-spendin~, _s._ An old term for the fire of a kiln, Ang. from the great _expenditure_ of fuel.
_To_ ~Kill~, _v. a._ To kiln dry, S.
KILLING, _s._ Cod.
V. ~Keeling~.
V. ~Logie~.
KILLYLEEPY, _s._ The common sandpiper, Loth.
KILT, KELT, _s._ A loose dress, extending from the belly to the knee, in the form of a petticoat, S.
Su. G. _kilt_, _kiolt_, Isl. _kellta_, sinus vestis anterior.
_To_ ~Kilt~, ~kilt up~, _v. a._
1. To tuck up, S.
Dan. _kilt-er op_, Su. G. _upkilt-a_, id.