An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 481 : _Wallace._ ~Lak~, _adj._ Bad, deficient; comp. _lakker_, worse; superl. _lakkest_. _Do


~Lak~, _adj._ Bad, deficient; comp. _lakker_, worse; superl. _lakkest_.


Isl. _lakr_, deficiens.

LAK, _s._ Hollow place.


Isl. _lag_, _laegd_, locus depressus.

LAKIE, _s._ Irregularity in the tides.

Su. G. _lack-a_, deficere.


_To_ LAMB, _v. a._ To yean, S.


Sw. _lamb-a_, Germ. _lamm-en_, id.

LAMB'S-LETTUCE, _s._ Corn sallad, S.

LAMB'S-TONGUE, _s._ Corn mint, S.

LAME, _s._ Lameness.


Isl. _lam_, fractio.

LAME, LAYM, LEEM, _adj._ Earthen, S.


A. S. _laemen_, fictilis: _lam_, lutum.

LAMENRY, _s._ Concubinage.

V. ~Leman~.

_Priests Peblis._

LAMITER, _s._ A cripple, S.

LAMMAS-TOWER, _s._ A kind of tower erected by the herds of a district, against the time of Lammas, and defended by them against a.s.sailants, Loth.

_Trans. Ant. Soc._

LAMMER, LAMER, _s._ Amber, S.

Teut. _lamertyn-steen_, amber.


LAMOO, _s. To gang down like lamoo_, to be easily swallowed, S.

Fr. _le mout_, new or sweet wine; or from the wa.s.sail-bowl, in E.

called _lamb's wool_.

_To_ LAMP, LEMP, _v. a._ To beat, S. B.

Teut. _lomp-en_, id. impingere.

_To_ LAMP, _v. n._ To take long steps, Loth.

_To_ LAMP, _v. n._ The ground is said to _lamp_, when covered with the cobwebs which appear after dew or slight frost, S. B.

LAMPET, LEMPET, _s._ The limpet, S.

_Chr. S. P._

LAMSONS, _n. pl._ Expences of the Scots establishment at Campvere.


A. S. _land-socn_, transmigratio.

Chapter 481 : _Wallace._ ~Lak~, _adj._ Bad, deficient; comp. _lakker_, worse; superl. _lakkest_. _Do
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