An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 500 : _Douglas._
LEUINGIS, _s. pl._ Loins, or lungs.
LEUIT, LEWYT, _pret._ Allowe
LEUINGIS, _s. pl._ Loins, or lungs.
LEUIT, LEWYT, _pret._ Allowed.
A. S. _lef-an_, permittere.
LEVYT, LEWYT, _pret._ Left.
Isl. _leif-a_, linquere.
_To_ LEW, _v. a._ To make tepid, S. B.
Teut. _lauw-en_, tepefacere.
~Lew~, ~Lew-warme~, _adj._ Tepid, S.
Teut. _lauw_, Belg. _liew_, id.; A. S. _hleow-an_, tepere.
_To_ LEWDER, _v. n._ To move heavily, S. B.
Teut. _leuter-en_, morari.
LEWIS, LEWYSS, _s. pl._ Leaves.
V. ~Lawit~.
~Lewitnes~, _s._ Ignorance.
LEWRAND, _part. pr._ Lurking.
V. ~Loure~, _v._
_Leg. St Androis._
LEWS, _s. pl._ The island of Lewis.
LIAM, LYAM, _s._
1. A string, a thong.
Arm. _liam_, id.
2. A rope made of hair, Tweedd.
LIART, LYART, _adj._
1. Having grey hairs intermixed, S.
_Maitland P._
2. Grey-haired in general.
5. Spotted, of various hues, Galloway.
LIBART, LIBBERT, _s._ A leopard.
Alem. _libaert_, Belg. _libaerd_, id.
LIBBERLAY, _s._ A baton.