An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 609 : _Burns._ PECHLE, _s._ (gutt.) A budget carried clandestinely, Loth. Su. G. _packa_, sa


PECHLE, _s._ (gutt.) A budget carried clandestinely, Loth.

Su. G. _packa_, sarcina. Germ. _paeck-lin_, fasciculus.

PEDDIR, PEDDER, _s._ A pedlar.


L. B. _pedar-ius_, nudis ambulans pedibus.

_To_ PEEL, PEIL, _v. a._ To equal, to match, Loth, S. O.

Teut. _peyl-en_, to measure.

~Peel~, ~Peil~, _s._ A match, Loth. S. O.


PEEL, _s._ A pool, S. B.


PEEL, _s._ A place of strength.

V. ~Pele~.

PEELIE, _adj._ Thin, meagre, S.

Fr. _pele_, q. peeled; or C. B. _pelaid_, weak, sickly.

_To_ PEENGE, PINGE, _v. n._

1. To complain, to whine, S.


2. To pretend poverty, S.

Teut. _pynigh-en_, affligere.

_To_ PEEP, _v. n._ To pule.

V. ~Pepe~, _s._

_To_ PEER, _v. a._ To equal, S.


Fr. _pair_, a match.

PEERIE, _adj._ Small, Ork. Shetl. Fife, E. Loth.

~Peeriewirrie~, _adj._ Very small, Orkn.

PEESWEIP, PEEWEIP, _s._ A lapwing, S.

_Statist. Acc._

From the sound; or allied to Sw. _wipa_, id.

_To_ PEG _off_, or _away_, _v. n._ To go off quickly, Loth. Dumfr.

PEG, _s._ A stroke, Loth. Dumfr.

Isl. _piack-a_, frequenter pungo.

PEGIL, _s._ The dirty work of a house, Ang.

Isl. _pijke_, puella.

PEGRALL, PYGRALL, _s._ Paltry.


PEIL, _s._ A place of strength.

V. ~Pele~.

_To_ PEILE, PELE, _v. a. To packe or peile fish_.

Chapter 609 : _Burns._ PECHLE, _s._ (gutt.) A budget carried clandestinely, Loth. Su. G. _packa_, sa
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