An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 633 : 1. To push, S.
_Bp. Forbes._
2. To drive clothes hastily backwards and forwards in the
1. To push, S.
_Bp. Forbes._
2. To drive clothes hastily backwards and forwards in the water in the act of was.h.i.+ng, S.
Teut. _polss-en int water_, quatere aquas.
~Pouss~, _s._ A push, S.
Fr. _pousse_.
POUST, _s._ Bodily strength, S.
O. Fr. _poeste_, _pooste_, id.
~Pouste~, ~Powste~, _s._ Power.
_Lege poustie_, full strength, i. e. _legitima potestas_.
_Reg. Maj._
~Pousture~, _s._ Bodily ability. _To lose the pousture_ of a limb, to lose the power of it, S. B.
POUT, _s._
1. A young partridge or moor-fowl, S.
_Acts Ja. VI._
Fr. _poulet_, a pullet; Lat. _pullus_.
2. The chicken of any domesticated fowl, S.
3. A young girl, a sweetheart.
_To_ ~Pout~, _v. n._ To shoot at young partridges; also, _to go a-pouting_, to go to shoot at _pouts_, S.
_To_ POUT, POUTER, _v. n._ To poke, to stir with a long instrument, S.
Su. G. _pott-a_, digito vel baculo explorare; Belg. _poter-en_, fodicare.
~Pout~, _s._ A poker, S. A.
~Pout-net~, _s._ A round net fastened to two poles, by means of which the fishers poke the banks of rivers, to force out the fish, S.
~Poutstaff~, _s._ A staff or pole used in fis.h.i.+ng with a small net.
_To_ POUZLE, _v. n._ To search about with uncertainty for any thing, S.
B.; q. to _puzzle_.
_To_ ~Pouzle~, _v. n._ To trifle, Fife.
Teut. _futsel-en_, nugari.
POW, _s._ The head, the _poll_, S.
_To_ POW, _v. a._ To pluck, to _pull_, S.
POW, _s._ A pool.
_Sir Tristrem._
POW, POU, p.r.o.n. _poo_, _s._
1. A slow-moving rivulet in flat lands, S.
_Statist. Acc._
2. A watery or marshy place, Stirlings.
_Statist. Acc._
3. A small creek, affording a landing-place for boats, Clackm.