An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 659 : _Dunbar._
RAKE. L. _wrake_, wreck.
_Sir Tristrem._
RAKE, _s._ A swift pace.
V. ~Raik~.
RAKE. L. _wrake_, wreck.
_Sir Tristrem._
RAKE, _s._ A swift pace.
V. ~Raik~.
RAKYNG, _part. pr._ Perhaps wandering.
RAKKET, _s._ Uncertain.
_Bannatyne P._
RAKLESS, _adj._ Careless, rash, S.
A. S. _recceleas_, id.
~Rakleslie~, _adv._ Unwittingly.
_To_ RALE, _v. n._ To spring, to gush forth.
Isl. _ryll_, rivus tacite labens.
_To_ RALEIFF, _v. n._ To rally.
RALIS, _s. pl._ Nets.
Franc. _regil_, vectis, obex.
RALLION, _s._ Clattering, noise, S. B.
Isl. _ragl-a_, incedere; _ragl_, gressus.
RAMAGIECHAN, _s._ Expl. a large raw-boned person, speaking and acting heedlessly, Ang.
_To_ RAMBARRE, _v. a._ To repulse; Fr. _rembarr-er_, id.
_To_ RAME, _v. n._ To shout, to roar, S. B.
A. S. _hream-an_, Su. G. _raam-a_, clamare.
~Rame~, _s._ A cry; especially as denoting reiteration of the same sound, S.
~Ramyng~, _s._ A loud cry.
RAMEDE, _s._ Remedy; Fr. _remede_.
RAMFEEZLED, _part. adj._ Fatigued, exhausted, S.
Teut. _ramme_, aries, and _futsel-en_, agitare.
RAMFORSIT, _part. pa._ Crammed.
_N. Burne._
RAMGUNSHOCH, _adj._ Rugged.
Isl. _ram-r_, fortis, and _gunni_, vir pugnax.