An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 666 : RAVERY, _s._ Delirium. _Wodrow._ Fr. _resverie_, id. RAUGHT, _s._ The act of reaching,

RAVERY, _s._ Delirium.


Fr. _resverie_, id.

RAUGHT, _s._ The act of reaching, S. B.

A. S. _raec-an_, to reach.

_Journ. Lond._

RAUCLE, _adj._ Rash.

V. ~Rackel~.

RAVIN, _adj._ Ravenous.

_K. Quair._

RAUISANT, _part. pr._ Violent.

Fr. _ravissant_, id.

_Complaynt S._

RAUN, RAWN, _s._ Roe of fish, S.

Dan. _raun_, Teut. _rogen_, id.

_K. Ja. VI._

~Rauner~, _s._ The female salmon, which has the roe, Loth. S. A.

RAUNS, _s. pl._ The beard of barley, S. B.

C. B. _rhawn_, long or coa.r.s.e hair, bristles.

_To_ RAUNG, _v. n._ To range.


Sw. _rang_, ordo.

RAW, _adj._

1. Damp and chill, S.

Su. G. _raa_, madidus.

2. Unmixed; as _raw spirits_, spirits not diluted, S.

Su. G. _raa_, crudus.

RAW, _s._

1. A row, a rank, S.


A. S. _raewa_, id.

2. A kind of street.

V. ~Rew~.

3. Parallel ridges, S. B.


RAWMOUD, _adj._ Beardless, simple; q. _raw-mouthed_.


_To_ RAX, _v. n._

1. To extend the limbs, S.

_Minstr. Bord._

2. To make efforts to attain.


~Rax~, _s._ The act of stretching, S.


A. Bor. _wrax_, id.

Chapter 666 : RAVERY, _s._ Delirium. _Wodrow._ Fr. _resverie_, id. RAUGHT, _s._ The act of reaching,
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