An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 684 : _To_ RIFT, _v. n._ To belch, S. _Ramsay._ Dan. _raev-er_, eructare; _raeven_, eructati

_To_ RIFT, _v. n._ To belch, S.


Dan. _raev-er_, eructare; _raeven_, eructatio.

~Rift~, _s._ An eructation, S.


RIG, _s._ A tumult; also, a frolic, Loth.

V. ~Reake~.

RIG, RIGG, _s._

1. The back of an animal, S.


2. A ridge, S.


3. _Rig and Fur_, ribbed stockings, S.

A. S. _hricg_, Isl. _hrigg-r_, Su. G. _rygg_, id.

~Ryg-bayne~, _s._ The back-bane, S.


A. S. _hricgban_, Dan. _rigbeen_, id.

~Rigging~, ~Riggin~, _s._

1. The back, S.


2. The ridge of a house, S.


~Riggin-tree~, _s._ The roof-tree, S.

Sw. _tak-ryggen_, the ridge of a house; A. S. _hricg_, fastigium.

RIGLAN, RIGLAND, _s._ An animal half castrated, S.

_Pop. Ball._

RIG-MARIE, _s._ A base coin, Loth. Dumfr.


From the words _Reg. Maria_, on one of the billon coins of Queen Mary.

RIGWIDDIE, _s._ The rope or chain that crosses the _back_ of a horse when yoked in a cart, S.

_Rig_, back, and _widdie_, a twig.

RYK, RYKE, _adj._

1. Potent.


2. Rich.


Moes. G. _reiks_, A. S. _rica_, princeps.

RIK, RYKE, _s._ A kingdom.


Moes. G. _reiki_, A. S. _ryce_, regnum.


V. ~Rewelynys~.

RIM, _s._ A rocky bottom in the sea, Orkn.

Isl. _rimi_, colliculus.

_Statist. Acc._

Chapter 684 : _To_ RIFT, _v. n._ To belch, S. _Ramsay._ Dan. _raev-er_, eructare; _raeven_, eructati
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