An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 707 : _Houlate._
SALSS, _s._ Sauce.
Germ. _salz-en_, sale condire.
SALSS, _s._ Sauce.
Germ. _salz-en_, sale condire.
SALT, SAWT, _s._ a.s.sault.
O. Fr. _saut_, id.
SALT, _adj._
1. Having bitter consequences, S.
2. Costly, expensive, S.
~Salt Se~, or ~Sea~, the sea; from the ancient use of the term as denoting the sea itself.
_To_ SALUS, _v. a._ To salute.
O. Fr. _salus_, salutation.
SALUT, _s._ Health, safety; Fr.
_Compl. S._
SAMBUTES, _s. pl._ Housing for a horse.
O. Fr. _sambue_, id.
_Sir Gawan._
SAMIN, SAMYN, _adj._ The same, S.
Abl. of Moes. G. _sama_, idem.
_Compl. S._
SAMYN, SAMIN, _adv._
1. Together.
2. At the same time.
3. As soon, with _as_.
A. S. _samne_, Belg. _samen_, simul, una.
SANAPe, _s._ Mustard.
_Sir Gawan._
A. S. Dan. _senep_, Gr. s??ap??, id.
SAND-BLIND, _adj._ Having that weakness of sight which often accompanies a very fair complexion, S. synon. _blind-fair_.
SANDE, _part. pa._ Girt.
_Sir Gawan._
O. Fr. _saint_, from _saind-re_, ceindre, environner.
SANDY-GIDDOCK, _s._ The launce, a fish, Shetl.
Probably a dimin. from Dan. _giedde_, Isl. _gedda_, a pike, from its resemblance in shape; q. the _little ged_ or pike.
SAND-LARK, The sea lark, Orkn.