An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 714 : 1. Scanty increase, W. Loth.
2. Small remainder, ibid.
SCAPE, _s._ A bee-hive.
V. ~Ske
1. Scanty increase, W. Loth.
2. Small remainder, ibid.
SCAPE, _s._ A bee-hive.
V. ~Skepp~.
1. A bare place on the side of a steep hill, from which the sward has been washed down by rains, Loth.; also, _skard_.
_Lay Last Minstr._
2. A cliff, Ayrs.
Su. G. _skaer_, rupes, C. B. _esgair_, a ridge.
SCARCHT, _s._ A hermaphrodite, S. _Scart_.
A. S. _scritta_, id.
SCARF, _s._ The corvorant; also, the s.h.a.g, Orkn.
V. ~Scart~.
SCARMUS, _s._. A skirmish.
Ital. _scarramuccia_, L. B. _scaramutia_.
SCARp.e.n.i.s, _s. pl._ Pumps; Fr. _escarpines_.
_Maitland P._
SCa.r.s.eMENT, _s._ The edge of a ditch on which thorns are to be planted, S.
_To_ SCART, _v. a._
1. To scratch, S.
2. To a dish with a spoon, S.
3. To together money.
A. Norm. _escrat_; A. Bor. _scraut_.
~Scart~, _s._
1. A scratch, S.
2. A n.i.g.g.ard, S.
3. A puny person, S.
~Scart-free~, _adj._ Without injury, S.
~Scart~, _adj._ Puny.
~Scartle~, _s._ An iron instrument for cleaning a stable, Tweedd.
_J. Nicol._
SCART, SKART, SCARTH, SCARF, _s._ The corvorant, S.
Norw. _skarv_, Isl. _skarf-ur_, id.
SCAS, _s._ Portion?