An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 844 : _To_ SUDDILL, SUDDLE, _v. a._ To sully, to defile, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _sodel-en_, Ger

_To_ SUDDILL, SUDDLE, _v. a._ To sully, to defile, S.


Teut. _sodel-en_, Germ. _sudel-en_, inquinare.

SUDEREYS, _s. pl._ A name given to some of the Hebudae.


Isl. _sudreyia_, id.; from _sudr_, south, and _ey_, island; as lying to the south of the point of Ardnamurchan.

SUELLIEG, _s._ Burning ague.

_Compl. S._

A. S. _swael-an_, urere, to burn, and _ece_, dolor.

SUERD, SWERD, _s._ A sword.


Su. G. Belg. _swaerd_, Isl. Dan. _swerd_, id.

SUET, SWETE, _s._ Life.


Su. G. _swett_, sudor; also sanguis.

* _To_ SUFFER, _v. n._ To delay.


O. Fr. _se souffr-ir_, to forbear.

~Suffer~, _adj._ Patient in bearing injurious treatment.


SUFFISANCE, _s._ Sufficiency; Fr.

_K. Quair._

SUFRON, _s._ Sufferance.


Fr. _soufr-ir_, to suffer.

_To_ SUGG, _v. n._ To move heavily, somewhat in a rocking manner, S.

Su. G. _swig-a_, loco cedere.

SUGGIE, _s._

1. A young sow, S. B.

2. A person who is fat, S. B.

A. S. _suga_, Su. G. _sugga_, a sow.

SUGH, _s._ Whistling sound.

V. ~Souch~, _s._

_To_ SUIT, _v. a._ To sue for.

V. ~Soyt~.

_R. Bruce._

SUITH, _adj._ Credible, honest.

A. S. _soth_, true.


SUKERT, _adj._ Sweet, sugared, fondled, caressed.



V. ~Suckudry~.

Chapter 844 : _To_ SUDDILL, SUDDLE, _v. a._ To sully, to defile, S. _Douglas._ Teut. _sodel-en_, Ger
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